

Keeping learners' attention is a real challenge for the trainer. The use of digital tools in class allows:

- to give rhythm to the lesson,

- to use many senses (visuel, sound, movement..).

- and to better engage the students/apprentices.

The importance of attention to learn more effectively

Source : Neurolearning : Les neurosciences au service de la formation (Dr Nadia Medjad, Philippe Gil, Philippe Lacroix)

Attention is the starting point of learning

Without attention, the comprehension is not possible. And without comprehension, we cannot learn and the memorization is heavily penalized.

It is therefore very important for teacher-trainers to capture the attention of their student-apprentices from the first minute and to implement strategies to retain it.

Attention curve

Example of attention curve during a lecture course with a regular voice in reading mode and a powerpoint with lots of texts:

When the class starts, attention rises the first few minutes to reach a peak around the tenth minute.

If nothing happens, the attention will quickly fall to a low level. The mind begins to wander.

This state continues in plateau until a few minutes before the end.

Attention wakes up at the moment of synthesis.

Source : Neurolearning : Les neurosciences au service de la formation (Dr Nadia Medjad, Philippe Gil, Philippe Lacroix)

Innovative practices, rooted in the digital area

Discover below examples of innovative practices, used in class in order to capture and keep the attention of the learners.

Give rhythm to the lesson and engage the students with Plickers

Video made by the partner IFAPME (Belgium)

The interests of this practice

This stragegy allows to :

  • give rhythm to the lesson

  • maintain a good level of pressure

  • engage the learners

  • and act directly in the process of memorizing information.

Maintain a good level of pressure with Mentimenter and Office 365

Video made by the partner Solski Center Velenje (Slovenia)
Video made by the partner Solski Center Velenje (Slovenia)

The interests of these practices

In addition to give rhythm, these playful practices stimulate the reward circuit and generate enough pressure for an optimal level of attention.

Attention and level of pressure

There is a direct link between the level of pressure generated by the challenge/the quiz and the quality of attention.

It is therefore important for teacher-trainers to find the right level of pressure, neither too much nor too little to maintain the attention of their learners.

Source : Neurolearning : Les neurosciences au service de la formation (Dr Nadia Medjad, Philippe Gil, Philippe Lacroix)

Capture attention with visual and sound animations (PowerPoint)

Video made by the partner IAAD (Turkey)

The interests of this practice

Attention is very selective. By picking up only what seems relevant, our selective attention can make us miss a lot of information. To overcome that, it’s necessary to help the learner focus on what’s important, and to communicate in the most efficient way.

Some advices from Cognitive sciences

- Put priority on the visual : Human being is firstly visual. But all visual signals do not have the same impact on our attention. For example, a text stimulates little attention because of the necessary decoding. A drawing or graphic representation is more stimulating because it is more meaningful for the brain.

- Associate keyword and image / drawing / diagram : by associating an image and a word, it stimulates two different areas of the brain, which reinforces the level of stimulation.

- Put motion : illusion, animations, videos : putting motion is even more effective to attract our attention.

FORTRAINERS SPOC : To deepen O1- Module 1 and to be supported...

To deepen this module and be supported in the appropriation of these new practices, register for the next training session of SPOC Fortrainers.

For more information about Fortrainers SPOC, please, click here.

About the key competences mobilized by the learners

Discover other elements of O1-Module 1 :